“Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season.”
-W.E.B. Dubois
View our event calendar below
View our event calendar below 〰️
General Meeting scheduled for March 3rd.
You have the opportunity to attend the General Meeting in person, or online.
Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)
President RJ Hampton
“We can’t voice our concerns without showing up.”
Salem Keizer NAACP
We need YOU to join us as we seek a more perfect union! ALL are welcome!!
Ensuring the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all people and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
The Salem-Keizer NAACP branch is one of the largest and most active in Oregon. Over the last two decades we have engaged in advocacy, criminal justice and education reform, and holding our leaders accountable.
Our branch conducts its work through committees: Education, Membership & Fundraising, Legal Redress, Race Relations, Youth Development, Policing & Criminal Justice, and Communications. Member or not, we welcome all to join our monthly meetings.
Has your Oregon driver license been suspended due to unpaid traffic violations?
In 2023, former Governor Kate Brown lifted over 8000 suspensions in a mass clemency. The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission told lawmakers that analyses by both the Oregon State Police and the Criminal Justice Commission found that Black, Latino and Native American drivers are disproportionately fined for driving while uninsured or having suspended licenses.
If you have a suspended license and want to find out if you’re eligible for reinstatement, contact the Oregon DMV by calling 503-945-5000. You can also visit the agency’s online service center at dmv2u.oregon.gov, scroll down to the “Notify the DMV” section and click the “Ask the DMV a question” box.
We Work to Engage and Empower
We actively support and engage our young people and education seekers primarily through the work of our education, youth development, and race relations committees. Whether its through hosting networking events, workshops or webinars, or providing scholarships for higher learning, our branch seeks to empower the next generation of community leaders.
We Celebrate with Annual Traditions
We hold annual events to engage, uplift, and build our community. Celebrations and commemorations on Dr. Martin Luther King Day, Juneteenth, and our annual Freedom Fund Banquet provide an opportunity to develop and strengthen our commitment to one another and our organizational mission.
Even through difficult times in a pandemic, where we are relegated to virtually celebrating and engaging, we have maintained this commitment. Especially in times of hardship, it’s critical that we redouble our community engagement.
We Call For Action and Reform
Education happens within the broader context of a entire community. Our approach for reform extends beyond our virtual meetings, the walls of schools, and the edifices of our institutions. When our leaders fail to act, listen, or hear our voices we show up by exercising our right to assemble and peacefully demonstrate. We take our protests to the polls, from the polls to policy, and from policy to power.