~View the Event Calendar on the Home Page~

~View the Event Calendar on the Home Page~

April General Meeting

April General Meeting

General Meeting scheduled for april 7th.

You have the opportunity to attend the General Meeting in person, or online.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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March General Membership Meeting

March General Membership Meeting

General Meeting scheduled for March 3rd.

You have the opportunity to attend the General Meeting in person, or online.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door) 

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February General Meeting

February General Meeting

General Meeting scheduled for February 3rd.

Learn about upcoming events for Black History Month. You have the opportunity to attend the General Meeting in person, or online.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door) 

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Right to Read movie and discussion

Right to Read movie and discussion

Presentation of Right to Read movie

When: January 25, 2025 from 2:45pm to 4:30pm

Where: Loucks Auditorium, Salem Public Library, 585 Liberty St SE, Salem, Oregon

Hosted by the Salem-Keizer Branch of the NAACP and the Salem-Keizer School District

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MLK Day Peace Walk

MLK Day Peace Walk

Peace Walk in honor of Dr. King’s legacy.

Location: Seed of Faith Ministries, 1230 Winter Street.

Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Event: History of the Civil Rights Movement, Peace Walk, and facilitated conversation for those interested.

Come and enjoy this community event and share some warm cider provided with participants!

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January General Meeting

January General Meeting

The next General Meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2025.

You have the opportunity to attend the General Meeting in person, or online.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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Branch Elections Open December 12, 2024

Branch Elections Open December 12, 2024

NAACP National HQ will open elections for the Salem-Keizer NAACP Branch 1166 on Dec 12, 2024, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Please cast your votes using the link provided in your email on the day of the election.

The currently nominated candidates are below:

President: RJ Hampton

Vice President: Ashley Dunn

Secretary: Tori Algee

Treasurer: LaGene Stadamire

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December General Meeting

December General Meeting

President Hampton will address the delay in branch elections at our December meeting. The re-scheduled elections will occur in January.

You have the opportunity to attend the General Meeting in person, or online.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door) 

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Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day

Please join Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School for Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day on November 14th, 2024, at 8:00am. Together we will walk in honor of Ruby Bridges and her brave walk into Frantz Elementary School on November 14th, 1960, that ended segregation in schools in Louisiana.

WHEN: November 14th, 2024, at 8:00 am

WHERE: 2160 Jewel Street NW, Salem, OR 97304 (Meet in front of school on Margarett St. NW)

WHY: Honoring the Legacy of Ruby Bridges

HOW: Wear Purple for Ruby, lace up your comfy shoes, and come walk with us!  

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Branch Elections and General Meeting

Branch Elections and General Meeting

The next General Membership Meeting will be held November 4th.

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to participate in our Branch Election. Voting will take place via Election Buddy and polls will remain open until 8:00 pm on November 4th.

Please email secretary@sknaacp1166.org, if you encounter issues.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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October General Meeting

October General Meeting

The next General Membership Meeting will be held October 7th.

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about our upcoming Branch Elections.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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September General Meeting

September General Meeting

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about our upcoming Branch Elections.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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August General Membership Meeting

August General Membership Meeting

  • 680 State Street Salem, OR, 97301 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The next General Membership Meeting will be held August 5th.

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about current and future branch activities.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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Juneteenth Block Party

Juneteenth Block Party

Juneteenth Block Party

The community is invited to a block party to celebrate Juneteenth on Wednesday, June 19th, from 1 to 3pm.

The block party will be held on Cottage Street, just north of the Micah building at 680 State Street, in downtown Salem.

There will be food, music and an inspirational speaker - Dr. Johnny Lake. Dr. Lake's work focuses on the influence of diversity, race and culture on student academic achievement & business performance.

The event is FREE and open to the public.

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Red Cross Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive

Juneteenth Blood Drive

Please join us in a blood drive to combat Sickle Cell Disease.

Appointments and walk-ins from: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm on June 19th

Location: Salem Red Cross Donor Center (1860 Hawthorne Av NE Salem, OR)

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Juneteenth Community History Walk

Juneteenth Community History Walk

On June 19th, the Oregon Black Pioneers will host their 2nd Juneteenth Community History Walk. This year, they will host four guided walking times, each limited to 45 participants. Pre-registration will guarantee you a spot on one of the guided walks. They will accommodate walk-ins on a first-come, first-served basis up to the cap on each walk.

Self-guided tour maps will also be available at the museum from 9am to 4pm and online on June 19th for those wishing to take a self-guided version.

Reserve your slot here: https://www.willametteheritage.org/freedomsfootsteps/

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General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meeting

The next General Membership Meeting will be held June 3rd.

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about future branch activities.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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AfroGala at Oregon State University

AfroGala at Oregon State University

African Student Association is excited to announce our upcoming event “AfroGala". This event will showcase various aspects of African culture, including traditional music and dance performances, an African fashion show and a flavorful journey through African cuisine.

Where: Oregon State University, Memorial Union Ballroom, 2501 SW Jefferson Way Corvallis, Oregon

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General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meeting

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about future branch activities.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

Online meeting link is below:

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Climate Vigil

Climate Vigil

A statewide community vigil for the right to a healthy environment and a stable climate in coming up on May 4th from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM at the Oregon Capitol.

WHERE: Capitol State Park, Wall of Water, Court Street, Salem, OR 97310

If interested, please pre-register for this free event, and stand with the movement to protect everyone’s right to a healthy environment and a stable climate!

Musicians will move us, tribal members will bless us, and speakers will lift up our collective moral voices. Together, we will hold up our lights as a symbol of hope & solidarity as we take our first steps in this exciting journey toward environmental rights for all.

RSVP at: https://www.climatevigil.org/.../climate-vigil-statewide...

*Promoted event, not organized by SKNAACP.

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Good Boy: My Life in Seven Dogs

Good Boy: My Life in Seven Dogs

Facilitated discussion group

April 23, 2024                                                                                               

McMinnville Public Library, Carnegie Room 

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April General Membership Meeting

April General Membership Meeting

The next General Membership Meeting will be held April 1st.

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about future branch activities.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

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American Denial: The Truth is Deeper than Black and White

American Denial: The Truth is Deeper than Black and White

Facilitated Discussion Group                            

February 27, 2024                                                                                               

McMinnville Public Library, Carnegie Room                                                        

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Teacher/Administrator Nominations!
to Mar 14

Teacher/Administrator Nominations!

Are you a PreK-12 teacher and/or administrator working in Oregon or Washington? Or, do you know a dynamic PreK-12 teacher and/or administrator working in Oregon or Washington?

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in partnership with the Alpha Community Education Initiative is pleased to announce the Teacher/Administrator of the Year Award!

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity plans to award two (2) recipients with awards of $1,000 each. Recipients must be teachers or administrators in a state-accredited school (prekindergarten through grade 12). Awardee MUST be present at the Community Empowerment Program on Thursday, March 14 at 6 pm (Hyatt Regency Lake Washington at Seattle's Southport)

The application deadline is March 1, 2024, at 5pm Pacific Time.

For applications, please email: jdorsette1906@gmail.com.

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March General Membership Meeting

March General Membership Meeting

The next General membership meeting will be held March 4th.

Members and guests are encouraged to attend. You have the opportunity to attend in person, or online, to hear about future branch activities.

Meeting time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Micah Building, 680 State Street (come in through front door)

Online meeting link is refreshed here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86228828174?pwd=uQxizpiRVAjavqwwsKIbRfoxrXdwlj.1

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Oregon Black Pioneers

Oregon Black Pioneers

Uncovering Oregon's Black History 

Featured Speaker: Mariah Rocker is the Public Programs and Exhibits Manager at Oregon Black Pioneers

3:00 - 4:00 PM

Chemeketa Salem Campus

4000 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, OR 

Building 2, Room 177

*Please park in the Blue or Green lots

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High School Scholarship deadline

High School Scholarship deadline

Western Region Military Scholarship and Academic Incentive Awards Application

For Black male high school students who will attend a 4-year college/university in Fall of 2024. All applicants must be current full-time Oregon or Washington high school students, identify as a male, degree-seeking undergraduate programs acceptable (within two years of college admittance). The minimum G.P.A REQUIREMENT is a 2.5/4.0 or equivalent.


The Application Deadline: Postmarked by February 26, 2024. The Scholarship/Academic Excellence Award is $1000, minimum. Three scholarships will be awarded.

 If you have any questions, please contact Jason Dorsette directly, via (jdorsette1906@gmail.com). 

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